Here are some key questions that 'Vanishing Man' might ask as he attempts to 'recognise' his current situation:
Understanding the Feeling of Vanishing
- What does "vanishing" mean to me—am I feeling unseen, unheard, unimportant, or something else?
- When did I first start feeling this way, and what might have triggered it?
- Are there specific moments or situations where I feel most invisible or disconnected?
- Do I accept that there is an existential issue here that needs to be resolved?
Exploring Identity and Roles
- Have the roles that once defined me changed, and how do I feel about those changes?
- Do I tie my sense of worth to how others perceive me or to external achievements?
- Who am I outside of my responsibilities, accomplishments, and relationships?
- Do I feel, or have I felt, 'Imposter Syndrome', and why?
- Do I have an ongoing fear of failure, and what might be causing it?
Examining External Influences
- Are there people or environments in my life that make me feel invisible or undervalued?
- Have I been prioritizing others’ needs or expectations at the expense of my own?
- Am I surrounded by individuals who recognize and appreciate my contributions?
Reflecting on Inner States
- Do I feel disconnected from my own emotions, passions, or desires?
- Am I afraid of being forgotten, irrelevant, or unneeded as life evolves?
- Could burnout, stress, or a loss of purpose be contributing to this feeling?
- Do I know the difference between depression, stress, and burnout?
- How would I describe my personality type (Introvert or extrovert), how might this be affecting my ability to function?
Considering Actions and Choices
- Have I withdrawn from people, opportunities, or activities that once brought me joy or fulfillment?
- How often do I express my thoughts, needs, or boundaries to others?
- Am I able to easily articulate what I am feeling?
- What would it feel like to ask for help or share my fears with someone I trust?
Movement and Activity
- How do I spend my time, mostly moving or being still?
- Am I distracting from the way I am feeling by entertaining myself (online or offline)
- Am I aware of time passing, does it feel fast or slow?
Impact on Others
- Am I aware of the impact that my struggle is having on others around me?
- Who is being affected, and how?
- What reactions am I seeing from those close to me in my life, and why do I think they are responding in this way?
Imagining Change
- Am I avoiding change or clinging to past identities that no longer serve me?
- What would make me feel seen, valued, or alive again?
- Who or what could help me regain a sense of visibility and purpose?
- If I could rewrite the story of this phase of my life, what would I change or add?
* If you have been, or are currently, affected by any of the questions mentioned above and would like to join our research programme, or talk in confidence, please get in touch.