Here are some key questions that 'Vanishing Man' might ask as he attempts to 'reframe' his current situation:
Understanding and Reclaiming Visibility
- What actions can I take to feel more present and engaged in the areas of my life that matter most to me?
- How can I strengthen the connections I value by being more intentional in my interactions?
- How can I acknowledge and celebrate the contributions I make, even if they seem small or go unnoticed?
- What would it look like to focus on the joy of simply being rather than seeking validation?
Communicating and Reconnecting
- How can I express my feelings and needs to those around me in an open and constructive way?
- What shared experiences or activities could help me reconnect with the people or pursuits that matter to me?
- Am I assuming invisibility, or could I be misinterpreting the actions or priorities of others?
- What strengths do I bring to my relationships and endeavours that I might be overlooking?
Finding Purpose and Meaning
- What value do I consistently bring to my life and the lives of others?
- How can I align my efforts and energy with my personal values and passions?
- How can I cultivate a sense of purpose or satisfaction independent of recognition from others?
- What opportunities or activities have I overlooked that could reignite my sense of purpose?
Shifting Perspective and Reframing Self-Worth
- What evidence can I find in my life that I am seen, valued, and impactful?
- How can I redefine success and fulfilment to align with what truly matters to me now?
- What can I learn from this period of feeling invisible, and how can it help me grow?
- If I stopped seeking external validation, what would I do differently in my life?
- How can I celebrate my strengths, achievements, and presence without needing others to affirm them?
Exploring Current Roles and Values
- What roles have defined me the most in my life, and how do I feel about them now?
- Am I living according to my values, or am I shaped by others’ expectations?
- What parts of my identity feel authentic, and which feel imposed or outdated?
Fostering Connection and Vulnerability
- How can I strengthen my relationships by being more present or vulnerable?
- What would it feel like to ask for help or share my fears with someone I trust?
- Who in my life inspires me, and what can I learn from their way of being?
Redefining Success and Growth
- What does success mean to me now, and how has it changed over time?
- How do I measure my worth beyond achievements or external validation?
- In what areas of my life do I feel stuck, and what small steps can I take to grow?
Embracing Self-Discovery and Change
- What have I left behind or abandoned about myself that I’d like to reconnect with?
- What emotions or experiences am I avoiding, and why?
Embracing Authenticity
- What are my core values, and how can they guide my decisions moving forward?
- What labels or roles am I ready to let go of because they no longer serve me?
- How can I honour my story, including the challenges that have shaped who I am today?
Fostering Deep Connections
- Which relationships bring the most meaning to my life, and how can I nurture them?
- How can I communicate my thoughts, emotions, and needs with greater honesty and vulnerability?
- Who are the like-minded individuals I can connect with to build a supportive community?
* If you have been, or are currently, affected by any of the issues briefly mentioned above and would like to join our research programme, or talk in confidence, please get in touch.